
A simple jQuery plugin for footnotes.

This project is maintained by iwatakeshi


A simple jQuery plugin for footnotes.

smallfoot is a small jQuery library that takes a different approach to writing footnotes compared to bigfoot^1^. smallfoot's philosophy is all about the KISS principle and therefore leaves styling up to the user. However, smallfoot does provide a powerful syntax converter along with css classes that help the user find the right script or footnote^2^. ^1: { smallfoot also uses ES6 instead of CoffeeScript. } ^2: { OK, maybe the converter is not that powerful since there are limitations but PRs are always welcomed. }


<!-- Write your superscripts and subscripts -->
  This is a superscript^1^
  This is a subscript~1~
  Write your footnotes; Note that it doesn't matter where the
  footnotes are placed and could have been together with the scripts.
  ^1: { This is a footnote for the superscript. }
  ~1: { This is a footnote for the subscript. }

<!-- Add JQuery -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Add smallfoot -->
<script src="{path to smallfoot}">
  // Initialize

Advanced Usage

Using Tooltipster for footnotes.

$(document).ready(function (){
    footnotes: {
      show: false
  .ready(function ({ references }) {
    references.forEach(el => $(el).addClass('tooltip'));
    $('.tooltip').tooltipster({ trigger: 'click' });
  .onClick(function ({ target, event }) {
  .onMouseEnter(function ({ target }) {
    const footnote = $(target).find('a').attr('href');
    $(target).tooltipster('content', $(footnote).text());


ready(callback: Function)

This method calls the callback function and passes an object with an array of references and footnotes.

Note/TODO: This method is not event based and will be called when you call it after initialization.


$.smallfoot().ready(function ({ references, footnotes }) { /* */ })

on(event: String, callback: Function)

This method registers the callback to the specified event for any superscript and subscript references.

Note: Helper methods such as onClick(), onMouseEnter(), onMouseLeave() are available. Also, every registered callback will receive an object with event, type: String, and a custom target which will always refer to the parent wrapper of <a>.


{Boolean} options.references.useDiv

Determines whether a div should be used instead of sup or sub.


Determines whether the ul or ol containing the footnotes should be displayed.

CSS Classes

smallfoot follows a simple convention for its classes:

/* The elements that contains the smallfoot class */
.smallfoot { }

/* The elements that contains the superscript and subscript class */
.smallfoot .superscript { }
.smallfoot .subscript { }

/* The elements that contains the superscript and subscript reference class */
.smallfoot .superscript .reference { }
.smallfoot .subscript .reference { }

/* The elements that contains the superscript and subscript footnote class */
.smallfoot .superscript .footnote { }
.smallfoot .subscript .footnote { }

/* The elements that contains the footnotes class */
.smallfoot .footnotes { }

/* Every element that contains the supfoots class */
.smallfoot .footnotes .supfoots { }
/* Every element that contains the subfoots class */
.smallfoot .footnotes .subfoots { }